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 Terms of use information site

All information contained in information, including texts, images, forums, etc., is for the purpose of providing information only and may not be considered as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The contents of the information website cannot be replaced or delayed by a doctor or specialist. Relying on information contained on the site, including texts, images, forums, etc. is solely the responsibility of the user.
All rights including intellectual property rights are reserved to the information website. The use of materials contained in the site, including texts, images, forums, etc., is prohibited for any purpose other than personal and personal use of the user. It is prohibited to copy, publish or distribute the contents of the site by any electronic or mechanical means, and it is prohibited to display them to the public or to use them commercially without the written permission of information.

The use of the site is tantamount to approval of the terms of use. In case of breach of these conditions, the user 

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